How to create an electronic signature online?

To start using electronic signatures, you can choose between Smart-ID, Mobile-ID, USB Token, Smart Card or other options.
Unfortunately, some electronic signature options can be provided only by a face-to-face visit to the service point. 
If you want to apply for an electronic signature online, download the Smart-ID app to your smart device.
How to get Smart-ID?
  1. Download the Smart-ID app on your smartphone for free from your Google Play, App Store or AppGallery account.
  2. Open the app, click on the Register button, and choose one of the authentication methods
  • ID card
  • Mobile ID
  • Biometric identification
  • Bank link
  • Visiting a bank office 
   3. Activate the account by following the instructions according to your chosen authentication method!
NB: Once you active your account, you can use Smart-ID to sign documents with Mark Sign self-service platform. Be sure that your account security level is not less than a Qualified Smart-ID. 


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