How does an electronic signature work?

That email for a signature to be legally equivalent to a handwritten signature, there must be a way to reasonably prove that it was signed by you and not by someone impersonating you. So it requires a qualified tool that verifies your identity.

This can be a mobile signature that is issued by the mobile operator with the new SIM card – since it is issued only to you, it becomes a guarantee that you signed. Without a mobile signature for a qualified e-mail, a special USB device issued by the Registry Center, an electronic identity card or a qualified “Smart-ID” can be used for the signature.

Second, you need a qualified e-mail address. Signature systems, such as Mark Sign, confirm your identity and create a unique tag of who signed the document and when. Qualified email signature functions and regulations are established in the eIDAS regulation of the European Union, valid since 2014.

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