What does a qualified electronic signature look like?

There are various forms of electronic signatures. But only the so-called qualified electronic signature is legally equivalent to a handwritten signature.

An electronic signature looks completely different from a handwritten signature – it does not have a unique shape. It is however meant to store data and accumulates a lot of information about the person, time, security level, etc.

Qualified electronic signature

Mark Sign Electronic Signature consists of three main components:

1. Name and surname of the signatory
An electronic signature requires you to confirm your identity using a smartphone with codes known only to you. Therefore, it does not need a form (e. g. a signature by hand) – because no one else will be able to sign for you anyway.

2. Qualified electronic signature mark
Your name alone on a signature is not enough – a special Qualified Signature tag proves that you’ve been identified by a security-compliant signature platform like Mark Sign. Generally speaking, this tag is both a tool to place the signature and a neutral observer that ensures that the signature is signed using all security standards.

3. Date of signing and exact time
This quality of the electronic signature is crucially important and is superior to a handwritten signature. It proves that the document was signed during the validity of the certificate and there is no possibility to change the existing data after signing.  

Any subsequent changes will be visible during the signature verification. Even if a single word is altered, the qualified signature system will record the change and evaluate that the signatures added before are invalid.

When signing a document, you can set the place where the signature will be displayed or choose not to display the signature at all.

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